Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Google Earth Pro Free now

Google Earth Pro is free now. The news broke out earlier last week and the web has been all over it. For those who have used the GE Pro, you already know what to expect, but if you have not used it before, there are the five key things I found to be very helpful through my experience of using the pro version in the past:
1. High resolution imagery if you need to print something out
2. Easy data import (points, lines or polygons)from ESRI formats (the evergreen (so far?) shape file)
3. Movie making options with the audio and visual options to quickly turn an idea into something
4. Batch geocode (Online versions from the past up to 200 or so records can be left behind...)
5. Little more flexibility than the alternative ArcGIS Explorer which is very popular among the public or non-profits who don't have full-phase web server for internal staff.
There are much more things that you can do with it. Here is the promo directly from Google:
Only issue is that if you have the ESRI shop as your enterprise solution, taking data back and forth to GE might not really workout for the efficient workflow.