Sunday, January 17, 2010

Opportunity to help publish a children's book about red panda

I recently received an email about an opportunity to help publish a children's book about red panda. Here is what you can do to support:

I myself was involved in some GIS analyses of red panda habitat distribution in eastern Nepal in the past. Their habitats range in Nepal, India, Burma, China and surrounding countries. Redpanda Network is heavily involved on the awareness and community outreach for the protection of red panda in the region. If you are interested in learning about red panda, please visit Redpanda Network, and watch the promotional video from Redpanda Network below:


Unknown said...

Perfect Video clip. Promoting the natural diversity of Nepal.

Kamal said...

I is a very nice place! I have not heard back from them after that. I don't know the recent status of this project though.